You guys know I’m an instax freak already! Everywhere I go I take my instax mini’s with me, you can find all my trips here. Sometimes, when I travel, I forget my camera at the hotel or air bnb… result: no instax pictures of that day. Let me introduce you to the best solution, the instax share! A Fujifilm printer, using the same films as the instax cameras!
You can print any picture you made, ever, with the instax share SP-2. I LOVE this device because, before you print, you can edit your picture. Add text, colors, messages (happy birthday, happy Valentine’s day…), make it a collage… There are many possibilities! You can use the printer anywhere, the instax share broadcasts a Wifi signal and connects with your smartphone.
Next week, I’m going to Disneyland, so I’ll show you later how it works! So a new instax trip is coming soon. Can’t wait to give it a try!
Julie Sabbe says
Ik heb die instax share ook, suuuperhandig inderdaad !
Oh zalig, have fun in Disneyland
Lise says
Thanks Julie!! X
Mariska says
Oh ik heb ook zo eentje! Super handig. Vind deze zelf leuker dan mijn gewone instax mini. Veel plezier in Disneyland!
Lise says
Ik zal mijn instax mini’s nooit kunnen missen denk ik, maar zo leuk dat je hiermee je foto’s kan bewerken! Thanks girl, eerste keer ooit dat ik naar Disney ga, hehe. L.