Frames everywhere! That’s kind of the motto in our new home, who doesn’t love a personal touch and something that brightens up the place? Fan over here! You might recognize this picture… Do you?
These were the first frames since we moved in last summer. Our hometowns eternalized to our wall forever! I’m still in love with this touch to our living room. But there were some more empty walls in our home and they were definitely bothering me. I’ve been pinning for months, I wanted to do enough research before deciding where to drill holes in our walls because that’s an irreversible action…
Shelves are such a good invention… You can decorate them in many ways and change it any time! This way, the frames can be replaced or organized the way you want to. These shelves with the coolest frames from Deknudt Frames make the difference and I’m very happy with it! They offer a lot of cool frames in different colors, sizes and styles but of course I went for a minimal design wich I really love, exactly like our hometown corner. Here’s a link to my photo frames.
Pinning had its effect because we are done now! Couldn’t be happier with the result and I hope you guys like it. Here’s my wall of frame! :)
Charlotte says
Hi Lise,
I really love what you did with our frames! You used them well to decorate you home super cosy.
Enjoy it :)
If you are interested in more of our photo frames, take a look at our website: