EXCITED! The first part of our new bathroom is ready! The bathroom sink was the first thing that needed to be done so we’re pretty excited to have a double sink where we can brush our teeth next to each other, FINALLY!
Looking for an affordable bathroom sink with a subtle touch of black faucets was not that easy but I’m very happy with the way it turned out… The Godmorgon series by IKEA immediately got my attention and soon we started making plans to continue in this theme. The combination of the bathroom sink and the black faucets by X²O was an exciting decision but it turned out just like I wanted! What do you think of this match? Right now it’s only the new bathroom sink & the mirror but within about three or four weeks the bathroom will be completely ready!
There will be a white Godmorgon towel cabinet for our towels and bathroom stuff. They also have the most practical boxes to organise your cabinets. No more messy drawers: check! The good news is: until April 30 you can enjoy 15% off on all Godmorgon items at IKEA! So if you want to make small changes in the bathroom, this is the place to be.
An important side note: we wanted to freshen up the bathroom without making a lot of damage… which means constantly looking for creative solutions. The blue stone completely took away the cosy feeling of the room… that’s why it will be treated with beton cire in two weeks. This will make such a big difference and I can’t wait to see the result!
The last finishing touches will be our new shower, a new heating element and last but definitely not least: black faucets by X²O! They were the biggest help in our first decisions… you can read more about that here. Can’t wait to show you the before & after pictures by the end of this month. See you then? Hope so! Thanks for reading!

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